Sunday, June 16, 2013

Updates from Week 3

We have a new intern! His name is Craig, and we were very excited to welcome him to the office this week. He’s super fun and surprisingly tall. Aside from a few bumps of the head (sorry, Craig! You’re just so tall!), he settled in to our routine quickly.  This, of course, includes our daily happy hour coffee runs.

It seems crazy to think that we’ve already completed three weeks at CVLAS Richmond.  We’ve each done some incredible things already: writing motions, memos, divorces, and arguments (no really, Amanda is doing some fantastic things…also I’m sorry I couldn’t remember the exact name of some of the documents you’ve been working on).  Although, I have to say one of our biggest accomplishments was following each other on twitter this week. 

Just kidding, it was probably actually getting work done when CVLAS went internet-free for a couple of days last week.  We would like to take this opportunity to thank our Legal Research and Writing professors for teaching us how to “book-research” instead of just using online systems.  We actually hit the real books for about two days! 

However, nothing can be as exciting as finding out that David Arquette was across the street from us the majority of Thursday afternoon and we didn’t actually run into him! I’m hoping we get a fun run-in with Ginnifer Goodwin to make up for it…

Celebrity sightings aside, we hope to have another successful week this week.  

Friday, June 7, 2013

9 Lessons from the First 9 Days

  1. The Loft is obviously the best place in the office, if you can find/remember to turn on the air conditioning and the light.
  2. NEVER freak out until Jacobie freaks out.
  3. Amanda can decorate a desk like Martha Stewart WHILE managing complicated legal material.
  4. Kat is a ginger. A fact that most people realize upon first glance, but somehow escaped the notice of another intern until the second week.
  5. The parking lot becomes a RIVER during heavy rain. (Thanks Tropical Storm Andrea, sigh)
  6. Doris WILL give quizzes, which the interns will fail or find impossible to describe.
  7. The Henrico J&DR Court and Circuit Court are not in the same building.
  8. How to mail, fax, and email like pros.
  9. Don’t forget to ask for happy hour prices at the coffee shop.  Also, Rainforest Crunch: all day, every day.

Jacobie, Kat, and Amanda (6/7/2013).

On a more serious note, we’ve all been having a great time so far at CVLAS Richmond.  Everyone at the office is awesome and excited to work with us. We’re even starting to do some substantive work! Right now, it is just the three of us, but we will be joined by Cayman in a few weeks. Summer 2013 is off to a great start!